Here's what I would do if someone handed me $50 million dollars tomorrow (give me a call). Find an urban area with a large commuting population (almost any urban area). Build a single PRT line from a remote area into the downtown of the urban area. This line would consist of parking lots around stations every 10 or 20 miles. A commuter could get into a vehicle at any of the stations and ride directly to the downtown (or other stations) at speeds of no less than 100 mph and possibly up to 200 mph with zero stops in transit. Hopefully there would be a city/area that would donate at least some of the land to the cause.
Once this initial line is established and people realize the potential for this kind of system, we could expand these initial stops to other area stops. The eventual goal would be to have a stop within .25 of a mile of all residences, or even a personal stop at each house/business.
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